Lisa Robbin Young

Bonuses From My TEDxBloomingtonSalon Talk

For Everyone

Read the full transcript of my talk

Download my slide deck (PDF)

Find your Enoughness Number worksheet (PDF)

For Entrepreneurs

Take the free assessment and discover your creative entrepreneur type

Register for my free Rising Tide learning library and get support on your journey to Enoughness

For Employers

Connect with my accessibility advisor, Riley, and learn more about what business owners can do to help make Enoughness possible for more people in the workplace.

Meet Lisa

Lisa Robbin Young didn't wait to get discovered. She is an award-winning speaker, best-selling author, and accomplished musician with multiple albums to her credit. Lisa's been featured on Disney+ and is the host of Creative Freedom, a web show and podcast that helps creative entrepreneurs define and achieve success on their own terms. Lisa believes that the best way to be truly successful in life and business is to be yourself – warts, sparkles, and all – so you can own your dreams without selling your soul.

Lisa founded Ark Entertainment Media - a production company and business incubator - to help ambitious creatives become the celebrity in their market and build a profitable, sustainable business doing what they love that leaves a lasting legacy for future generations.