"In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create."
- David Ogilvy
It's a painful truth for most creatives. We don't want to focus on the dollars and sense. We just want to create our art and change the world! Sadly, David Ogilvy had it right. For as much world-changing as we hope to do, there's also got to be a market for at least some of our creativity, or we can't fund our creativity habit.
Even Edison relented after spending a small fortune working on an invention that nearly bankrupted him. "Anything that won't sell, I don't want to invent," he said. After that, he still created great inventions - he just made sure there was a market for them.
Every artist creates differently. Perhaps your artistry lies in knowing how to speak your prospect's language to close a sale. Maybe you're an actor, sculptor, or a writer. Whatever your art, you've got to be able to communicate your value, and connect your True Voice to your Right Audience. These resources can help.
The most affordable and effective way to build a Noble Empire and live an inspired life for the next 12 months and beyond! Get Your Year In Gear is a multi-media workshop that defines your 5 Key Areas of Success, and gives you an actionable plan to help you move from where you are now to where you want to be.
Click to learn more or register for Get Your Year In Gear
Every artist creates from a place of passion. Simply put, there's a deep-seated reason for why you do everything. But that reason is not always easy to get at, because it can be buried under years of other people's "shoulds" and beliefs that no longer serve you.
The Essential Why Workbook is a step-by-step guide that explores your past, your present, and even your future, for the strands that weave together to form your Essential Why. In short, this guide will help you get clarity on why you do what you do and help you confidently communicate that reason to your Right Audience, helping you build a profitable, sustainable business filled with clients you love.
If you're ready to step beyond the do-it-yourself, and get some coaching around your Essential Why Statement, consider the Essential Why Session. You'll get the workbook first, then we'll take 60 minutes to work through your workbook discoveries. We'll reconnect for a follow-up session to hone in and refine your Essential Why Statement after you've had a chance to practice it.
Once you're clear on your Essential Why, how do you share it authentically with your Right Audience? The Find Your True Voice Workshop covers this ground and more. This 4-session, small group workshop is designed to help you understand the 3 Essentials of finding and using your true voice: Practice, Presence, and Platform. In short, you will learn:
Creative entrepreneurs tend to blur the lines between life and work. We also don't always do well with the rigid structures of a day planner or other calendar-type scheduling systems. The PEACE System is a time-tested process that helps you get clear on your essential must-do activities for each day - AND clarify your real priorities in life and business.
The PEACE System is a daily, 20-minute process that gives you control over your day, without stifling your creative flow, while you accomplish more of the right things and eliminate the wrong things. With regular use, The PEACE System will have you focused on what really matters, saving your sanity, and helping you be more productive in less time.
Collaboration is a key component to stimulating the artist's creative juices. Spring, 2013 will see the launch of our newest coaching community, Business Action Hero. Focused on helping creative entrepreneurs find their way to building a profitable, sustainable business, the program features monthly group coaching sessions, group interaction, and an archive of helpful resources to make the journey easier.
Sometimes you need more than a workbook or a group coaching session. Sometimes, you need pinpoint, strategic ideas that are custom-fit to your particular situation. I've got you covered. In a "Rent Lisa's Brain" session, I bring all my brainstorming tools to the table and help you generate idea after idea to help solve your issue, remove your block, or help get you unstuck on a particular situation.
Creative entrepreneurs know that our work is an extension of who we are in the world, so the lines between work and life are often blurred. We kind of like it that way, actually. In my 6-month Real Results coaching program, we identify your specific goals and work through any issues that come up around those goals. Sometimes, it's dealing with unsupportive friends or family. Other times, it's about revenue generation, platform development, or marketing. What I DON'T do is coach you around your art. I presume you're already brilliantly gifted at what you do. I'm only here to help you clear the block that are preventing you from doing it.
Please contact me directly for more information about private coaching. You can email lisa @ Lisa Robbin Young.com for details.
I spent nearly 20 years in the direct sales evironment as a consultant, leader, coach, and trainer. I have an entire site focused on helping direct sales pros build a profitable, sustainable business. Visit Direct Sales Classroom for more details, or check out Direct Sales 101 - my flagship course on building a solid book of business for your direct selling enterprise.