Attention: Creative Entrepreneurs ready to make 2025 your best year yet!


2-PAY ENDS June 15!

The Creative Freedom Retreat is a transformational, full-immersion learning retreat for creative entrepreneurs who want to translate their big vision into real results for their business. We work hard, we have fun, and by the end of it all, you have new friends, new clarity, and a new vision for the direction of your business for the next 12 months.

It's where you'll discover how to make a meaningful income doing what you love - and how to grow it in a way that works for your unique situation.

You'll define the future of your business, learn what it really takes to make six figures (or more) on a consistent basis doing what you love - and finally have clarity on how you can step into the spotlight in your creative business and reach more raving fans for your Great Work.

But we don't stop there! You also get a post-event wrap-up session to help you implement AND stick with the new tools and strategies you'll learn at the retreat.

About Your Host: Lisa Robbin Young

Lisa is dressed in a red tank top with black, sequined pants, a black leather jacket, and black boots. She is leaning against a brick wall with graffiti on it.

I've spent the last 30+ years helping best-selling authors, actors, musicians, sales pros, and other creatives make good money doing what they love, and have the time to enjoy their life in the process. It's not uncommon for my clients to double their income or add a six-figure revenue stream in as little as 90 days.

I believe that the best way to be truly successful in life and business is to be yourself – warts, sparkles, and all – so you can own your dreams without selling your soul.

And yeah. I've had my share of down times, too. I've faced homelessness, single parenthood, and bankruptcy. I've come through those hard lessons and still manage to shine my light into the world. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be willing to do the work.

The CREATIVE FREEDOM RETREAT will show you how to build your business around your strengths, clear your roadblocks, and make you a better person in the process. Sound a little ambitious? Not to me. This whole retreat is about creating a breakthrough for yourself and your business and giving you a clear plan forward for the next 12 months (and beyond). You can do this. We've got your back!

It's time to create or re-envision the business that’s right for you. I'm here to guide you. Are you ready to be a part of it?


SEPTEMBER 26-28, 2024

2-PAY ENDS 6/15!

Please note: Your purchase is NON-REFUNDABLE, and can be transferred to another program if you are unable to attend the retreat.

2-PAY ENDS 6/15!

Lock in your registration at the lowest rate today!

Formerly known as Creative Freedom Live, the Creative Freedom Retreat is designed to not only help you develop your annual growth plan for your creative business, but also help you breakthrough the limiting beliefs that have stunted your growth so far. If you KNOW you're in, this is the best rate that will ever be available. If you're not sure, contact me and let's talk BEFORE you purchase your ticket.

What others have said...

“I’ve been to seminars and retreats of all kinds, only to be bored or disappointed. Lisa took the time and energy to work with each of us to make sure we understood what she was teaching us.

“I read Lisa’s book and have gone back to it on occasion, but after attending (The Creative Freedom Retreat), I now know what creative freedom is all about. For those who did attend, I hope you come back next year. For those considering attending, try it next year. You won’t be sorry.

“Thank you for doing what you do, Lisa. You are passing along your expertise and making lives better.“

Mitch Karas - Owner, Flour+Eggs



The CREATIVE FREEDOM RETREAT is an intimate gathering of all kinds of gifted and talented creative entrepreneurs. Big-hearted, world-changing, hard-working thought leaders, wave makers, and action takers all with one goal in mind: growing a profitable, sustainable business doing what they love - without selling their soul to do it.

It’s 3 days of connecting, growing, and sharing with other creative entrepreneurs - where you'll discover your hidden strengths and blind spots so you can take empowered, courageous action and see positive transformation in your life and business.

You’ll get immense clarity about the future of your creative enterprise, so you can have the life of freedom, impact, and wealth you've always known was meant for you.


THE CREATIVE FREEDOM RETREAT is for any creative entrepreneur that’s on the growth path and ready to do the internal work of building your business. If you’re just starting out and want to lay a rock-solid foundation, or you’ve been at this a while and just need some strategic tweaks to improve everything so you can have profitable, sustainable success for the long-haul, this is your jam!

Creative Freedom Retreat is perfect for you if:

  • You are a creative entrepreneur.  Smart. Talented. You see the world through a different lens, and you've got more ideas than you can handle. You need clarity on next steps to built momentum or keep it going.
  • You've been building a "patchwork quilt" of business knowledge and you're ready to move from information to implementation to start seeing real results.
  • You aren't afraid to tell the truth about what's going on in your life and work. We get REAL at the Creative Freedom Retreat. You can't hide out in your room for 3 days... We'll miss you!
  • You know that it's possible to make good money doing what you love without killing yourself or selling your soul to do it, but you don't have clarity on how to do it in a way that work for you.
  • You're DONE with being the best-kept secret in your market. It's time for you to kick things up a notch and get yourself seen by more of your right audience.
  • Whether your business is online or off, you’re a service provider or product creator - even if your product is YOU - if you’re ready to elevate your success, you should consider CREATIVE FREEDOM RETREAT.

If you’ve got a vision so big it scares you a little (or a lot!), and you want to turn it into something meaningful in the world (meaningful money and impact), and you know you can’t do it alone, this event is for you.


Yes and no. I do my best to start and end on time and honor all our breaks. I cover a lot of ground in 3 days, but it's important to me to be present to what shows up in the room. If that means going off script to help a client make progress, then that's what we do. Nobody gets left behind!

Each day you'll explore a different aspect of building your Noble Empire in a way that allows you to make good money doing what you love without having to sell your soul to do it.

Day I: Defining & Designing Your Dream

To be frank, creatives aren't like other business owners. You are the most important product your company has to offer. I've seen many creatives come to the table with years of baggage and "shoulds" that prevent them from really owning the truth of what they really want - either because they don't think it's possible, or because others they trust told them they're crazy for even trying.

Before you can grow, you've got to clear the weeds.

Day One will help you assess where you're at, and hone in on how to align your business goals with your personal definition of success. Because, let's face it, your definition is the only one that matters!

Day one is about the "who" and the "why" of the work  you do. We'll need that for...

Day II: Pursuing Your Dream

It's one thing to say you want something, it's another to actually take responsibility and GO for it. That takes courage, confidence, and commitment to step out and share your Great Work with your right people, your Raving Fans, as I like to call them. This is where we get clear on who those people are, what you're really offering them through your Great Work, and why they choose you over the competition. Then, we'll work together to develop a growth strategy that's tailored to your Creative Entrepreneur Type and your unique business and life situation.

A plan is only helpful if you can act on it.

Day Two will give you the clarity you need to start taking actions - even before the retreat ends - to start finding more Raving Fans for your Great Work and see positive momentum in your business.

If Day one is about the "who" and the "why", then Day Two is about the "what and the how", which we'll need for...

Day III: Owning Your Dream

Remember what I said earlier about the explosion of awesomeness that can happen when you put a bunch of creatives in a room? Well, here is where we put that power to work for YOU and YOUR business. You'll have dedicated time to build and share your business model with the group. Then, we'll actively brainstorm ways to improve it, or connect you with people we know that can steer you to your success destination even faster. This is where the retreat gets collaborative and FUN!

Day Three is the ribbon that ties it all together - with a solid implementation plan that you can put to work before you even leave the event! You'll have your next 12 months of promotions, marketing, and more all laid out and ready to plug into your business when you get back home.


You'll have plenty of time each morning for sacred practice, exercise, or whatever self-care serves you. The event begins Thursday morning and ends Saturday evening. Our days will begin at 9:00am sharp and should end by 6:00pm (or a smidge earlier). That way, you'll have plenty of time to explore in the evenings without having to be up at the crack of dawn to be ready for our first session. Lunch and dinner times will vary each day, depending on the flow of the group. I don't want you starving, and I don't want to break momentum just because "it's lunch time." Lunch breaks are roughly 2 hours, to give you plenty of time to digest - both your food and the morning lessons!


I have two guarantees:

  1. If you always do what you've always done, I guarantee you'll continue to get similar results with diminishing returns. If you want something new, you've got to be open and willing to new ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. The CREATIVE FREEDOM RETREAT can help with that.
  2. I'm committed to helping you get the most out of this experience — and I want to make sure it’s a good fit for both of us. You must be committed to fully participating for the duration of the event. Once your registration is accepted, your payment is non-refundable. That said, I want you to get the benefit of your investment, so if something happens that prevents you from attending, I'm happy to credit your payment toward another program at a later date. Just let me know and we'll do our best to make it right for you.


Awesome! Contact me and let me know. I'm here to help!