Lisa Robbin Young

Interviews & Guest Posts

As a business coach for micro business owners and creative entrepreneurs and as a creative myself, I've had the great privilege to speak and present on a variety of podcasts, shows, and stages. Here are selected interviews & guest posts from across the web (and beyond):


The Online Business Family Tree - a four-part series for Marketing Muckraking With Rachael Kay Albers

Part 4: Fix It From Within or Burn It All Down? What Next?

Part 3: ClickFunnels to Hell, Fake It ‘Til You Make It, and Moneyball

Part 2: Six Figure Masterminds, Marie Forleo, and The Syndicate

Part 1: From Thomas Edison to Tony Robbins

TEDxBloomingtonSalon - Enoughness & The Marginalization Tax

Bye, Social Media with Johanna Renoth - Should You Get a Coach? How to navigate the good, bad, and ugly of the industry.

Positively Living with Lisa Zawrotny - The Best Way for Creative Entrepreneurs to Build a Business

Creative Chats with Mike Brennan - Making a Mark: Achieving Meaning, Significance, and Impact through Creativity

Hacks & Hobbies with Junaid - How to embrace your unique journey and build a profitable business doing what you love

Female Entrepreneur Musician with Bree Noble - Discover Your Creative Entrepreneur Type

Also aired on the Profitable Musician Podcast as Achieve Success and make more money by knowing your creative type.


Work From Your Happy Place with Belinda Ellsworth - How to Live a Lasting Legacy

She Went From Living on Welfare To Helping People Pursue Their Dreams on CircleAround


Rockstar Guest Speaker Sessions - Creativity, dreams, and becoming the celebrity of your own brand

Build Better Businesses with Catalyst Consulting - Living in Your Ideal Entrepreneur Zone


Certified BADA$$ Online Marketing Podcast - Understanding Your Creative Entrepreneur Strengths

Profit by Design Podcast - What's your Creative Entrepreneur Type?

Planathon with Amber McCue

Round Table with Sharifah Hardie


"Story of the Shift" with Audrey Groeschel of Goddess at the Grindstone

How To Ease the Emotional Labor of Being a Creative Entrepreneur on Productive Flourishing


Do You Have a Successful Business or an Expensive Hobby? on Productive Flourishing

Grow Your Business & Help Diverse Entrepreneurs with a Pay for Results Model with Lisa Robbin Young

Cross-polliNation w/ Nbee on "Inventing a Creative Career"

How Creatives Can Make Good Money Doing What They Love Without Selling Your Soul with Markeith Braden

Read to Lead with Jeff Brown: Your Complete Guide to Personal and Financial Success

Productive Flourishing: "How Can You Improve Your Annual Planning?" 

Type A Parent: "Why Annual Planning is Not Enough" with Lisa Robbin Young

Profit Power Pursuit Podcast: Offering a Service at "Pay For Results" Pricing

Profit First Podcast: How To Own Your Dreams Without Selling Your Soul

The Strategy Hour podcast: The Problem You Have with Reaching 6 Figures

Productive Flourishing blog: 5 Things You Need To Know To Speak Your Truth And Connect With Your Audience


Help Yourself:  Finding The Right Message To Connect With Customers

The Courageous Entrepreneur podcast: How To Build A Successful Business As A Creative Entrepreneur

Love-Based Business podcast: Real Artists Don't Starve: How to build a business doing what you love without selling your soul or killing yourself to do it.


Black Women Innovate

Your Strategic Business Building Podcast: How To Have More Clarity, Confidence, And Focus

Creative Giant Podcast: Which Creative Entrepreneur Type Are You?

Susty Girl Blog: How To Do What You Love And Get Paid Handsomely For It

Productive Flourishing Blog: Which of the 3 Types of Creative Entrepreneur Are You?

Direct Sales Success: 5 Retention Strategies to Make Consultants Stick - Feature in Home Business Magazine, pg 18

Love Is A Verb Podcast: When You Lose Everything, You Still Have Yourself.

Corporate Dreamers Telesummit: Having The Courage To Be Yourself, Warts, Sparkles, And All

Live Creative Now Podcast: From Near-Death Experiences to Lady Gaga’s Entrepreneurial Type: a Conversation with Lisa Robbin Young, the Singing Coach



Other Media

  • An interview from the Hungry Entrepreneur project:
  • "Breakdown, Breakthrough, and The Impossible" - an excerpt from Sarah Robinson's "Creating Irresistible Presence workshop:

  • BlogTalkRadio Interview with Holly Chantal: Spammer or Superstar? How Social Media Can Make Or Break Your Direct Sales Business: