Lisa Robbin Young

Are You Ready To FINALLY Own Your Dreams?

If so, I invite you to read on!

See, I was in your shoes not that long ago. Recalling my childhood and the dreams of what I would be when I grew up. And how, now that I'm grown up, the only thing really standing in my way to owning my dreams was fear.

Sound familiar?

I mean, I've got a pretty comfortable life: nice house in a nice neighborhood, two great kids (three if you count my husband!), and financial stability. I've got time to connect with people I love, causes that matter to me, and the ability to take time out for myself. I'd be risking an awful lot if I stepped out of that comfort zone.

"What if it doesn't work? What if I FAIL?"

That was the big question in my mind. I'd be willing to bet it's also sitting in the back of your mind (or maybe "what if I succeed?" - I've heard that one, too.) It can feel like there's a lot at risk - you've got a lot to lose - if you turn away from what you're doing and jump into pursuing your dreams.

But you don't have to do it all at once.

In fact, after years of trying to "do it all myself", I've come to the conclusion that there's a lot to be said for baby steps. So many people talk about leap frogging, but that leap can look like a giant canyon when fear has a hold of you.

Safe, friendly, BABY steps

That's what the Dream Big Breakthrough is all about. After a life-altering event in the fall of 2013, I realized how much of my life was being wasted. How much of my time I spent living up to someone else's expectations of who I was "supposed" to be. I was "waiting" for something to happen or change or I don't know what. In that moment I made a major, yet obvious, realization:

Life is precious. Time is short. What are you waiting for?

In that moment, I realized all the "stuff" I'd been putting off for some other day. Projects I wanted to do, people I wanted to meet, Places I wanted to see. There was always a reason "why" - even a good one. But in that moment, it all fell away.

The world needs you to stop procrastinating.

There are people out there that need you to own your dreams and start sharing your gifts with the world, because you are their inspiration, or you're the missing piece that they need in order to bring their dream to fruition. I know that may sound hard to believe, but it's true.

Think about it this way: if Edison hadn't invented moving pictures, or refined electricity, we'd not have a single blockbuster movie. Steven Spielberg couldn't have owned his dreams if Edison hadn't first owned his. There's someone out there that can't move forward without what you have to share with your world.

Your Dream Big Breakthrough

The only way for change to stick is to "keep the pressure on" during the change process. Having a guide to see you through the scary stuff - and lovingly keep the "pressure" on you during the change - is something that can make all the difference between staying stuck and living your dream life. They say for changes to take root, it can take 21-25 days. I'm offering you a 40 day immersive experience to make SURE it sticks.

Spiritual and practical guidance to help you own your dreams.

We begin March 1. At 7:30 AM Eastern very morning during the month of March we'll connect for a short spiritual practice (about 5 minutes - watch the first session for free!). It might be a thought for the day, a prayer, an affirmation, or another spiritual tool from my arsenal that's helped me ground, center, and connect to what's most important in my life. I've learned that having time for quiet sacred practice is the most beneficial thing you can do to enhance every area of your life.

Then every evening at 10PM Eastern we'll gather for a short 10-15 minute video lesson. Yep. Every morning and evening for 40 days. Consider this your "self-care" time - give yourself these minutes for peace, quiet, and immersive learning - plus, you'll give your subsconscious some overnight "marinating" time, so that you'll be able to better stick with the changes you're making.

I'll be here to share insights about how change happens, and how to make sure those changes take root. And if you want extra support, you can apply to work more closely with me in the Accountability Club to help you make lasting progress.

You'll walk away from these 40 days with greater clarity around your life and big dreams, more focus on what matters most, and a powerful new set of tools to take you through the rest of your life! Here's some of what we'll cover during our time together:

  • How to get clarity on your True Purpose.
  • The 7 Dynamics of Change - and how to spot them in your life and work.
  • How to know when you're ready to make a change - and when it's a good idea to wait.
  • A guided visualization to help you expand your comfort zone and get ready for big changes
  • How to break your "I can't afford it" fear, so you can have money for what you really want.
  • Healing your emotional wounds.
  • The three critical supports you need to make progress in anything (it's like a 3-legged stool. You'll fall without all three.)
  • The four guide posts that let you know every time you're slipping into old patterns - and how to fix it fast
  • and SO much more.

You'll also have a private Facebook community for peer-support, encouragement, and to get your questions answered.

Will there be recordings?

Here's the deal: I know from past experience that people get far more out of being together in a live setting. Once the short daily sessions are over, you'll have ah-ha's and epiphanies that crop up, and being able to connect in the group allows you to share and be supported through this change process. It's not easy, and sometimes, it's pretty dang uncomfortable, and if you're 3-5 days behind everyone else in the group, that can create a level of frustration for you.  I understand that "life happens" and/or you may not be in the same time zone as I am. I want to be as flexible as possible so that you can make the most of this. So yes, there will be recordings, as long as technology cooperates.

And here's what I know about human nature: when you invest in the recordings with no intention of participating in any of the live sessions, it's much harder (though not impossible) for you to see results. If you can't make the live sessions, and you're still committed to making these breakthroughs, then the recordings are there for you when you are able. Plus, you'll have the loving support of the community to lift you up and keep you moving toward your dreams.

How much is it worth to you to ditch your fear and step into the life you know you were called to live?

It's an immersive, interactive program that will help you clear the blocks, take ownership of your dreams, and start living those changes today - not years from now. Every time I offered this program we filled up in just a few days.  And to sweeten the pot, I have a special gift when you order today.

Bonus: Your Dream Business Diagnostic

DBDiagBefore your program begins, I'll send you my complete Dream Business Diagnostic. It's a 9-page tool I designed to help you get maximum clarity on your success gaps. You'll define what success looks like for you, and then pinpoint exactly what's missing to get you from where you are now to where you need to be. Your Dream Business Diagnostic will help you see where your foundation needs shoring up, and you'll know exactly what to do to build a strong support system to grow the business and life of your dreams.


If you're one of the first 10 7 5 people to pay in full for this program, you'll get a PRIVATE, ONE-ON-ONE call with me to dig into the results of your Diagnostic and get clarity on your next steps. This is the perfect way to jump start your progress in our 40 days together!

Here's what a few people have said about working with me and the Dream Business Diagnostic:




You only get one chance to live your life... how will you do it?

If you're waiting, hemming, hawing, or otherwise wondering if this program is for you, I totally understand. You may not be ready. On the other hand, you may be stalling. Not sure which it is? We'll talk. I'll give you my honest assessment of where you're at, and you can go from there. But don't dilly dally, the clock's ticking. My promise is to deliver everything I've promised and then some. If you're not happy with this training, we'll make it right. That's my commitment to you.