Thanks for your interest in the Be Your Own Guru blog series. 2014 marks the THIRD edition of the series (WOOHOO!), and will feature creators just like you speaking out and sharing their viewpoint on the concept of being your own guru.
Each weekday from June 1-June 30, participants will be able to experience the wisdom and talent of our guest contributors. If you are interested in being a guest contributor, here are the "requirements":
Submission deadline is May 10.
Before the start of the series (May 29-31), please send out a notification to your audience. It can be via whatever method you deem most appropriate for your tribe, I only ask that you cc me (or tag me, if appropriate) so that I can keep track and help share your message with my audience as well. I have outposts on g+, twitter, youtube, and facebook, plus a feed on linkedin, so we're covering a lot of bases via social media. You don't need to tag me on every platform, but the more you tag me on, the easier it is to re-share your posts to my audience. Using the hash tag #byog also helps.
On the day your post is live (posts go live at noon eastern), please send a notification to your audience to check out the post. Again, cc or tag me in the post so I can keep track and share your message with my audience.
By submitting your post, you are granting me an unlimited license to use your submission without compensation in any format I deem fit, including, but not limited to re-posting, compiling into e-book format, or other methods of distribution. Your ownership is undisputed, and credit will always go to you for the work you've created. This just gives me permission to create ancillary worksheets, coaching tools, books, media, etc, without having to re-license the work with you. In short, you agree to let me forever spread the awesomeness of your work in exchange for me giving you credit for creating something so awesome.
That's it! If you'd like to participate, please complete this form so I can coordinate details and get you on the calendar at a time/date that works best for both of us.
Once we have reviewed your application we will contact you with further submission instructions.
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