Step into your spotlight and shine!
I've been on the payroll (with signed NDA's) for some pretty famous best-selling authors, music superstars, performing artists, and big idea entrepreneurs that want their message to reach more Raving Fans in ways that work for how they are wired to work.
That last part's important. Because if success means trying to be someone you're not, then why bother?
Strategy and capacity. You need both in order to find the success you're craving. If you've got a great strategy, but no capacity to implement it, you'll feel resentful and maybe burn it all down before you break through. If you've got capacity, but your strategy sucks, you'll just keep spinning on the hamster wheel of hustle: busy, but not really going anywhere.
And when you're neurodivergent, multiply marginalized, or dealing with other capacity constraints, it sometimes doesn't feel safe to step into your spotlight (and maybe it's really NOT safe!). So, it's even MORE important to have a roadmap that can get you where you want to be in ways that work for your unique situation.
Together, we can create a path forward that helps you get on those stages, in front of those audiences, and make that bigger impact without compromising your integrity or safety.