Lisa Robbin Young

What makes people fall in love with your business?

It's a honest question.

What is it about you and your Great Work that makes people fall in love with your business?

Maybe you have an immediate knowing. Maybe you can't WAIT to tell people why your "milkshake brings all the boys to the yard"...

Maybe that's not the best analogy, but you get the idea.

There's a certain something about who you are, what you do, and the way you do it, that keeps your Raving Fans coming back for more.

When you have this figured out, it becomes a helluvalot easier to market your business.


Because you can show up and speak directly into their hearts and minds in a way that creates harmonious resonance.

If you don’t know how to express what you’re really about & what makes you different from the other people who do your thing, then your marketing probably feels like a slog or a long, slow, death that you just wish would end already!

If that's how you feel, then this could be exactly what you've been looking for!

I've been blessed, for YEARS, to have the talent, skill, and brain of my designer and brand guardian, Tracy, on speed dial. there have been several times in the past where we've collaborated on a group call or a webinar about what makes for good design, but I've always wanted to do something more. Something that...

  • gives you an immediate result to improve your business
  • helps you elevate your brand (like she's helped to elevate mine!)
  • doesn't take weeks or months to do!

And we've finally got it!

One of the big things that's helped me create a cohesive brand is my Brand Bible. Tracy built my first ever Brand Guide almost 10 years ago. Over the years, I've put a lot of work into refining it, building it out, and making it even more comprehensive. From a guide to a full-blown, "do this, not that" bible for everything about my brand.

And I want to help you do the same!

Together, Tracy and I are leading a one-time-only workshop where we'll walk you through all the decisions you need to make about what to put in your very own brand bible. Space is limited, because we're teaching it live and answering all your branding questions.

Look, Tracy has more than 25 years of design experience for ALL kinds of design - from print to web to promotional products. She KNOWS her shizz! And I trust her to keep my own brand en pointe and looking sharp (and I'm MARRIED to a designer, so that should tell you something!).

If you’ve been in business for a while, but your brand doesn't look like it, if you’re worried your brand looks unprofessional... or (almost worse!) boring, if every time you sit down to work on your marketing, it’s a giant time-sucking slog because you’re making all these decisions from scratch, then join us on Small Business Saturday and make your life easier!

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