5 Signs Your Creative Business Needs To Pivot
[Creative Freedom S6E10]
Pivot! It was one of the biggest buzzwords of 2020, thanks to the pandemic that shall not be named putting a monkey wrench into EVERYONE’S plans!
Not to brag, but I’ve been pivoting since before it was cool. I’ve probably done the pivot 5 or 10 times in my nearly 30 years online. I mean, nothing lasts forever and the only constant is change, right?
Last episode I talked about how Taylor Swift pivoted to a new music genre...and she’s not the only one. Fine artist Henri Matisse and lots of companies have started down one path, decided it’s not working for them (or has stopped working for them), and turned to something new.
So yes, pivots are a thing, and they absolutely CAN be done successfully, but how do you know if it is, in fact, time to pivot? Listen in to find out today.
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Podcast Show Notes
Inside this episode, we're talking about:
- How what started as a pivot became the Creative Freedom Incubator
- How your definition of success shapes your need to pivot (or not)
- How 3M actually started with a pivot
- Henri Matisse’s famous pivot from free to paid
- The Croatian “Princess of Pop” that made a pivot to meaningful music
- John Deere’s principles led him to pivot
Links I mentioned
- 15 famous companies that got their start selling something else
- Creative Freedom Incubator
- The Six-Figure Imperative
- Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
- 3M’s history of innovations (or pivoting)
- My book, Creative Freedom
- Tatiana ‘Tajci’ Cameron
- Thistle Farms
- Nashville Peacekeepers
- The history of John Deere and his company
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Theme music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod, incompetech.com. Music licensed under creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/