Lisa Robbin Young

Don't Stop Believin' / With or Without You

Don't Stop Believin / With or Without You. Journey, U2 Mashup.

So I'm in Minnesota this week, and I'm spending time with my coach, workin' on me. We take a dinner break and head to a local joint, the Green Mill, and on the radio, I hear what I think is Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" - a tune I can never get enough of.

But you know how it can be noisy and chaotic in a restaurant, right? I'm trying to tune in, and realize what I'm really hearing is Bono from U2, singing his melancholy "With or Without You".

And BAM! A musical mashup is born.

Here's this week's tune - completed just before I need to leave for the airport to come home. Enjoy!

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