Lisa Robbin Young

BYOG Day 20 - More Without More

by Teresa Romain

[Editor's note: This is day 20 of the Be Your Own Guru  series. Teresa is a friend as well as a colleague. She's most effective at providing experiential examples around abundance and feelings of scarcity. I practically begged her to do a video so that you could get a very visual, experiential take on why doing/making"more" isn't always the answer to your "not enough" problem.]

Video Highlights

3:47 - A demonstration to illustrate the problem with how you're currently chasing "more" in your life and work.

5:39 - The reason why you'll never feel fulfilled if you keep "making" or "doing" more.

6:50 - The shift you need to make to experience more abundance right now in your life and work.

8:40 - The patterns that prevent you from experiencing abundance and enoughness in your life.

9:13 - A powerful question to ask yourself to get clarity around your "not enough" issues - particularly around money.

11:20 - The energy of increase - and how to activate it.


Where are your "leaks"? How have you experienced abundance in your life? Leave your thoughts in the comments for Teresa today!

TeresaNew2013-1-mediumTeresa Romain came to teach about abundance through the quagmire of her own scarcity. She is the President & Founder of and has trained and coached thousands of individuals around the world to access and experience greater freedom, fulfillment, well-being and abundance in their businesses and their lives. Unique in her approach and dynamic and passionate in her style, Teresa is known for making the transformational process of accessing abundance challenging, fun and powerful in its results.You can also connect with Teresa on Facebook.

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